The recent assignments that Delfos Ventures has accomplished  successfully can roughly be divided into three categories: Innovation, Strategic Consultancy and Business Management.

Develop innovation and sustainability program in the drinking water sector

(Co-) lead “Heat from Water” cooperation aimed at accelerating the energy transfer in the Netherlands.

Implement Lean Management philosophy in operational environment

Develop and realise tidal energy platform on behalf of a consortium of leading offshore companies


Advise family business in the water cycle on business continuity

Support water company to handle large cooling water request for datacenter

Develop strategic options for the reduction of fresh water supply to industry in favor of household consumption

Develop strategy for long term conservation of drinking water production and distribution assets


Act as Interim Director Drinking Water for water company during period of restructuring

Act as Interim Operations Manager for personal care products factory

Management of the design and construction of two innovative drinking water purification pilot plants

Shut down factory and negotiate outstanding claims from customers


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